Food for Thought

Two days ago, in the opinion section of the New York Times, there was a beautifully written essay from the British neurologist Oliver Sacks. This is, in a way, a companion to his first essay written in February about his diagnosis of terminal cancer. I'm not going to write too much about the op-ed itself because Dr. Sacks does a much better job articulating his own feelings than I do. However, I will say that these two essays look at death with a universal, secular, and most importantly hopeful perspective. It looks at the everyday beauties in life and how to grasp and acknowledge these moments. Needless to say, the acknowledging is the most difficult aspect to fully realize on a day by day basis. Reading these op-ed's do reaffirm how to go about the day (singular) and will, with time, change how I at least see the world long term. (which is why I have them printed and posted on the wall above my computer).         

link to article (July 24, 2015) 
